Spring Cleaning – Decluttering Your Closet

Gail LaggesUncategorized

We are halfway through spring, but it’s not too late to do some spring cleaning. Here are some tips to declutter your closets!

  • You will need cleaning wipes, a vacuum, and 3 large empty boxes, garbage bags, or containers: one for donations, one for trash, and one for misplaced items. Make sure each container is clearly labeled or easily distinguishable from each other. The misplaced items container is extremely important because it will keep you focused on the closet.
  • Set aside time blocks of 2-4 hours per closet and focus only on that space.
  • Remove items one shelf or section at a time so you don’t overwhelm yourself.
  • Wipe off the empty shelf or vacuum the empty floor space.
  • Pick up each item and decide if it will stay or go. Items that will stay get put back, items that will go get put into the trash container if it is no longer usable, in the donations container if there is still life left in it, or in the basket for misplaced items if it is an item you want to keep but doesn’t belong in that closet.
  • Invest in storage and labels. Put all similar items in a container together so that they are easy to find and keep the closet looking organized.
  • Trash, donate, and put away all of the misplaced items.

Enjoy the peace that comes from having an organized space!