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SANTA FOR SENIORS collects holiday gifts for Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Care, Public Guardianship, and In-Home Service recipents who are home-bound and alone during the holidays.  Wendy Wilson Team is a contributing sponsor for this worthy cause.  Seniors love and appreciate being remembered.  Many things are needed and your contribution will make a “smile last a mile”.  Arts & Crafts, Bath Towels, Blankets, Gift Cards, Gift Baskets, Kitchen Towels, Crossword Puzzles are just a few suggestions….even Pet Toys & Treats are appreciated.  Please stop by our office located at 3975 20th Street – Suite A – in Vero Beach where we will happily take your donation(s).  The Senior Resource Center will see that your gift(s) are delivered and that the Holidays ahead brightens many a day. Please call Jeanette at 772-234-1111 if she can answer any questions.  From Wendy Wilson Team we THANK YOU for caring.